Most systems have a lifetime of 15 to 20 years.

As your equipment gets older, it's efficiency can decrease dramatically. You may notice that it gets noisier and needs repairs more often.

When a unit begins to show it's age, you have two choices: you can overhaul the system or replace it.

Because heating and cooling technologies improve over time, a new system designed with newer, more energy-efficient equipment makes sense, especially if your system is 10 or more years old.

R-22 refrigerant is expensive

Many times the deciding factor in getting a new system is based on cost to repair compared to cost to replace. Another factor that makes replacement a better option is that R-22 refrigerant is being phased out by the government and is becoming very costly to add. Many homeowners opt to upgrade their equipment, which has the new style refrigerant R-410A.

As a professional contractor, All Around Home Air provides FREE written, itemized estimates include a complete breakdown including:

  • SEER options (efficiency)
  • Make, model and complete description of system capabilities
  • Pricing breakdown (based on your preferences and requirements)
  • Energy Star quality standards met and exceeded (learn more)


Source: your friendly HVAC contractor, Jaunsee Terrell